
Semantic web data warehousing for caGrid.

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is developing caGrid as a means for sharing cancer-related data and services. As more data sets become available on caGrid, we need effective ways of accessing and integrating this information. Although the data …

Mapping terms to UMLS concepts of the same semantic type.

We are interested in mapping terms from the biomedical literature to controlled terminologies. For clinical and related terms, we rely on the MetaMap program for mapping terms to the UMLS Metathesaurus, accepting term assignments that have a …

Shallow semantic parsing of randomized controlled trial reports.

In this work, we are measuring the performance of Propbank-based Machine Learning (ML) for automatically annotating abstracts of Randomized Controlled Trials (CTRs) with semantically meaningful tags. Propbank is a resource of annotated sentences from …

Towards semantic role labeling & IE in the medical literature.

INTRODUCTION: In this work, we introduce the concept of semantic role labeling to the medical domain. We report first results of porting and adapting an existing resource, Propbank, to the medical field. Propbank is an adjunct to Penn Treebank that …

Term identification in the biomedical literature.

Sophisticated information technologies are needed for effective data acquisition and integration from a growing body of the biomedical literature. Successful term identification is key to getting access to the stored literature information, as it is …

Representing nested semantic information in a linear string of text using XML.

XML has been widely adopted as an important data interchange language. The structure of XML enables sharing of data elements with variable degrees of nesting as long as the elements are grouped in a strict tree-like fashion. This requirement …