A Social Update from the Krauthammer Lab
The past few months at the lab have been very busy, but we still found some time for social events. We continued our now annual tradition of entering a team into the SOLA Stafette event at the start of May, and then followed it up by having a few entries at the Forchlauf at the start of June, followed by the SOLA Duo at the end of June.
In the middle of April we had a joined ‘welcome and goodbye’ dinner for master students who were either leaving or joining the lab.
Among all this we also unfortunately had to say ‘goodbye’ to one of our members, Amina, who left the lab at the end of June. We said our goodbyes in a fitting way, with a dinner at Die Waid restaurant with a lovely view over the city one evening, followed by a hike and picnic atop Uetliberg the following weekend.
Looking ahead, we have tried for weeks (or maybe even months) to plan a lab hike or weekend activity, but the weather so far has made this difficult. So we hope this will be doable sometime soon, and until then we will continue to meet up for random drinks after work to pass the time!